Unauthorised soliciting and or sale of Acnotin 10 mg and Acnotin 20 mg (Isotretinoin)

Aconotin 10mg and Aconotin 20 mg (‘Aconotin’) currently sold by Mega Lifesciences Public Company Limited (‘Company’) through its 100% subsidiary Mega Lifesciences PTY Limited are controlled drugs under the regulations announced by Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of Thailand. These products can be procured by patients only under prescription by a qualified dermatologist in a hospital or clinic. These products are not over The Counter (OTC) products and may involve health hazards if consumed without prescription. Company sells Acnotin strictly according to the FDA regulations.
Company bears no responsibility For Acnotin that may be sold at any pharmacies or by any one on the internet or advertised for any properties of this product. The company has no method to dertermine that the product is genuine and the quality of such Products can not be guaranteed and the company will not take responsibility for any consequences of using the Product.
Any person who, directly or indirectly, sells of solicits to sell Acnotin without permission from the company is violation of the regulations of FDA and also the intellectual property of the Company. The Company reserves the right to take legal action against the violator(s).